Bathrooms need to be cleaned often. And unlike other rooms in your home, they cannot be just “picked up” and still be considered clean. So you can maintain the cleanliness of your bathroom without spending hours scrubbing and disinfecting.
Wipe Down the Sink and Tub Area
Our goal here is to get the sink and tub presentable. Casually wipe down the tub. You may need to spend more time on the sink. Wear disposable gloves to protect your skin and help you clean without worrying about what you touch.
Use a Toilet Brush and Toilet Cleaner To Briefly Scrub Out the Inside of the Toilet
Again this is not a full out scrubbing of the toilet. We are maintaining from the last time we scrubbed, or quickly getting it presentable enough for unexpected guests.
Use a Disinfectant Wipe To Wipe down The Outside of the Toilet
Using the wipe won’t take long to briefly run over the outer surface of the toilet. You can quickly wipe away the most obvious dirt.
Use a Glass Cleaner or Vinegar to Wipe Down the Mirror
You can put a little time into this task even when you’re in a hurry. Guests will probably spend some time examining themselves in your mirror. They will inevitably notice dinginess and streaks.
Pickup All the Items Belonging In another Room
Put them in a basket, box, or bag.
Return Items That Belong In the Bathroom to Their Proper Places
Don’t take time to reorganize the medicine or linen cabinets. Just place the items back where they belong. Leave organizing for when you have more time.
Sweep or Mop
Briefly sweep the floor. Worry about the main traffic area. If you have a Swiffer, Readymop, or something similar, it can take just a few seconds to mop.